Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Baking Your Own Bread, Part 2

While looking for those fabulous build your own bed plans I came across this post from the same author.

I read it through twice and was shaking my head in disbelief. No kneading? Little rising? what kind of blasphemy is this? I tried it, fully expecting a horrible loaf that at best would be passable for croutons.

Crispy brown crust and light flaky bread reminiscent of those delicious artisan French bread loaves after a couple of hours! That big bucket of dough made a ridiculously easy pizza dough, a ciabatta for some toasted sandwiches, and a few crusty loaves to serve with salads.

My son even expressed an interest in making it and was so proud of his first loaf. We left a bit of dough in the bucket for the next batch and got a beautiful sourdough flavor. I am thinking about getting that book the next time I have found money burning a hole in my pocket.

Aeray, seriously, why did you have to be already married.............

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