Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cotton Pants for the boys

My boys are growing like weeds and seem to grow an inch every month. I certainly can't afford new pants for them every month so I make tons of pajama pants and shorts. I can make 2 pairs of shorts that fit them perfectly or 1 pair of pants with a yard of fabric.

I have been using a great printable PDF from Hammer & Thread with a little customization for length. Check out her post here.

I have a few sources for inexpensive fabric. We have a local fabric wholesale warehouse that sells fabric cutoffs by the pound and yardage as low as 3.99 a yard. I check there regularly as the bins change often of what is available.  I also check our local Goodwill often for .99 mens shirts I can cut down as well as sweatpants for fleece. Last but certainly not least is Joann Fabrics as a good source of novelty prints and denims. I signed up for the sale emails as well as the coupons they mail you. You can double up coupons as long as they come from different sources, i.e. internet, mail, instore. If you time it with a sale you can get great bargains.

I recently made a sizable purchase of fabric from The specials change there regularly so check back every now and again. I got shirt fabrics at $2.00 a yard as well as a beautiful rose colored knit for me.Very nice quality I must say. Check them out here.

 Happy Sewing!

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